- A family photo.
- 4-5 premade bottles each day. All bottles must have lids and both the bottle and lid must be labeled with the child’s name, contents (breastmilk or formula) and the date that either the formula was prepared or the breastmilk was collected. Communicate with us and update the Infant Feeding Plan if this changes.
- Several extra changes of clothes to be kept in the cubby at all times. Please replace as they are used.
- At least 5 diapers each day. We have storage space if you prefer to bring in an entire pack at a time.
- Container of wipes.
- If you are using cloth diapers:
- A small step can with lid to remain at school.
- A wet bag that fits in the can and will hold enough diapers for the day. This will be sent home daily.
- Baby food when your child is ready. Please see our infant feeding policy for information about the types of food we are allowed to serve at preschool.
- Books or word lists of any languages you speak other than English.
- A copy of your child’s IFSP if they have one.
**No diaper bags may be left at school in the classroom or in the cubby. This is to protect all children from potentially unsafe items many families store in the diaper bag (medications, lotions, etc.).