“I really can’t tell you how much it means to know he’s got such great people taking care of him and being so attentive to his status. It makes this whole going to work thing a bit easier!” – Amber Horne, Conor’s Mother
For nearly the first five months of his life, Conor spent his time in the NICU due to pulmonary hypertension and an atrial septal defect in his heart. In addition to Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome), Conor has several other monitored health issues, wears a pulse oximeter to monitor his oxygen levels and is fed primarily through a G-tube.
Despite all of these obstacles, Conor is a miracle of a fighter. Conor came to Growing Together in a roundabout way, but we’re so lucky and glad he did. Conor’s original child care center, which his older brother, Davis, attended told Conor’s mother, Amber, that they couldn’t accommodate Conor and his needs just days before she was set to return to work. Disappointed and hurt, Amber began calling local child care facilities and only became more dismayed as ten other centers told her they would not welcome Conor into their care. Amber, an occupational therapist herself, began asking others at her work if they could recommend a facility, and someone told her about the inclusive environment at Growing Together Preschool. Amber was elated and in disbelief that not only did GTP welcome Conor, but excitedly with arms wide open! Conor will be one in December and is truly thriving; he receives therapy on site and participates with his classmates in a loving and inclusive environment. He is a wonderfully happy boy who is on the verge of crawling and self-feeding, and is truly a lovely asset to the school community. In fact, Amber says that while Conor didn’t end up here first, it feels like they were always meant to be here, and are thankful for the roadblocks that led them to such a loving school.