How Do I Schedule a Tour?

Growing Together Preschool - Lexington, KYWe want to ensure that everyone and everything is safe and secure at a minimum inconvenience to you. All exterior doors, with the exception of one main entrance, are locked during business hours. All visitors are to be escorted by authorized personnel to ensure proper client confidentiality. Visitors are not allowed to roam the premises unattended.

Visitors may tour the program during operating hours. Parents are encouraged to visit the facility prior to enrollment, talk with staff, and observe classroom activities. Drop-ins are welcome; appointments are optional.

What is your discipline policy?

In order to insure a safe environment, and provide positive guidance for children, each classroom has established simple and consistent rules for both children and care givers that set the limits for behavior. These disciplinary methods help children develop self control; assume responsibility for their own actions; and gain a sense of security when they know limits. Children will learn from their care givers, who model appropriate behavior.

The Cabinet for Human Resources (CHR) regulations clearly state that:

  1. Children are not subjected to harsh or physical discipline.
  2. Loud, profane, threatening, frightening or abusive language is not permitted by care givers or other individuals on the premises.
  3. Discipline is not to be associated with rest, toileting, or food.

The primary mode of discipline at Growing Together Preschool is REDIRECTION. Simply stated, redirection is giving children who are displaying inappropriate behavior, the opportunity to choose an alternate activity or source of entertainment. The care giver can effectively divert this behavior in a calm manner, intercepting problems before they escalate.

On occasion, the child may be removed from the classroom for a brief respite and a discussion with the Director. In extreme cases, a parent conference will be scheduled to discuss the problem and possible solutions.

In the event a child exhibits behavior harmful to himself/herself and/or to others, a “behavior modification program” will be implemented with the approval and signatures of both parents and preschool personnel.

Alternative care may be recommended if a child continues to exhibit harmful or threatening behavior.

Do I pay tuition while I’m on vacation?

Yes. Tuition is charged 52 weeks of the year, regardless of child’s absence or preschool closure.

May I breastfeed or provide breast milk?

Absolutely! Mothers are welcome to breastfeed their babies in the classroom or, if more privacy is desired, a more secluded room is available. Bottles and caps must be labeled with the infant’s name, and date and are warmed in a crock pot. If the infant does not finish a bottle, it will be discarded after one hour. In order to reduce waste, we recommend a larger quantity of smaller bottles. Many mothers choose to breastfeed their babies on-site at drop-off and pick-up to reduce the amount of time away from their baby and the number of pumping sessions needed at work.

May I use cloth diapers?

Yes. We prefer all-in-one or pocket diapers for ease of changing. A zippered wet bag and a small metal can with a lid, must be provided. Staff are not permitted to remove waste from the diapers before placing them in the bag.

What are your staff credentials or training?

Our lead teachers and many assistants all have a minimum of a Child Development Associate Credential (CDA). Many teachers have Associate’s or Bachelor’s degrees or are working towards them. All teaching staff are required to complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of training each year to continue their professional development and to remain abreast of current trends and issues in the area of early childhood development. All GTP employees are required to be certified and maintain current status in Pediatric CPR, First Aid and Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma.

How secure is your facility?

All exterior doors remain locked and access is limited to the main entrance door. The main entrance door contains a key coded access system. Access codes are only given to staff and families. Anyone without an access code will only be permitted entrance by office staff. Children are only released to authorized pick up contacts who are recognized. All others are required to show ID before a child will be released.

What are your staff to child ratios?

We staff to ensure NAEYC ratios for the majority of the day. However, in some cases, such as in our preschool and pre-k classrooms, the ratios are much lower when all teachers are present. At other times, such as the very beginning and very end of the day, we may operate at state ratios for short periods of time.



TODDLER/TWOS: NAEYC = 1:6, STARS = 1:8, STATE = 1:10


PRE-K/FOURS: NAEYC = 1:10, STARS = 1:12, STATE = 1:14

What days are you closed?

The preschool will be closed in observance of the following holidays:

  • Memorial Day – 1 day
  • Juneteenth – 1 day
  • Independence Day – 1-2 days
  • Employee In-Service Days – 4 days
  • Labor Day – 1 day
  • Thanksgiving – 2 days
  • Christmas/New Year’s – Approximately 5 – 8 Days

The preschool does not follow Fayette County Public School holiday schedules or weather closings. The preschool will be open unless otherwise announced on a local TV station (SNOW GO WKYT Channel 27; Facebook post; E-mail; and/or upon direct notification by phone from a GTP employee).

May I visit my child during the day?

Growing Together Preschool, Inc. observes an open door policy in which parents of enrolled children may visit their child’s classroom at any time during the day. Parents are welcome and encouraged to participate in the daily classroom activities.